Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Issac Newton essays

Issac Newton essays Sir Isaac Newton is indisputably the most prominent scientist who ever subsisted. He was among the inventors of the division of mathematics called Calculus. Newton also solved the mysteries of light and optics. By using his discoveries, he materialized the first reflecting telescope. Newton also formulated the three laws of motion. He later derived from them the law of universal gravitation, which he used to predict the motions of stars, and the planets around the sun. His accomplishments in optics, mathematics, and physics laid the foundations for modern science and revolutionized the world. Isaac Newton was born in 1642 in a manor house in Lincolnshire, England. His father had died two months later therefore; his mother remarried Barnabas Smith, who was the minister of the church in a nearby village. She went to live, leaving Isaac behind with his grandmother. As eight years passed, Barnabas Smith died; hence Isaac's mother returned, along with her three small children. Two0 years later, Newton went away to the Grammar School, where he labored with an apothecary, and was fascinated by the chemicals. In 1661, Newton entered Cambridge University to study to become a preacher. At Cambridge, Newton studied mathematics. Unfortunately, a plague was spreading across Europe at that time therefore, the university closed, and Newton returned home. During Newtons duration of stay at home, he spent two years concentrating on problems in mathematics and physics. It was during this period that he made some of his most significant discoveries. Optics was an area of Newton's early interests. Sir Isaac Newton was the first to realize that white light is made up of the colors of the rainbow and that reflection and refractions cause colors to appear by separating the blend into its components. In 1664, Newton proved his theory of colors by passing a beam of sunlight through a prism, which split the beam ...

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