Saturday, November 2, 2019

American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

American History - Assignment Example The Spanish also had knowledge of metals such as iron and bronze which allowed them superior weaponry and armor/shields. But the Indians had the advantage of knowing how to live off the land, and its topography, more so than the Spanish. They had natural superior knowledge of the topography and survival on smaller amounts of supplies than the Spanish. If the Indians could have gotten the Spanish out of their comfort zone, they could have resisted Spanish encroachment much more easily. Part B. It was a good point that the Incan Indians were susceptible to European diseases such as small pox and measles. Many Indians were wiped out because of Spanish disease. The Spanish weapons were far superior (more high tech) than those of the Indians, which was a huge advantage. Although the Indians had more numbers of people, the Spanish nullified that with their superior technology and weaponry. Also not mentioned was the Spanish desire to convert and conquer native Indians and convert them to C hristianity. That was a wave of conversion which the Indians were powerless to survive, as the Spanish did so all over the world. Part C. This answer is almost unintelligible.

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