Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Decriminalization or Legalization of Marijuana in Canada Essay

Decriminalization or Legalization of Marijuana in Canada - Essay Example When used in moderation marijuana is undeniably less detrimental compared to alcohol and tobacco (Joffe and Yancy 636). The detriment allied with other drugs to a user stems from its worldwide handiness, usage and acceptability in most countries. Therefore, regulating the consumption of a drug by decreasing its obtainability and use can minimize the effect associated with its abuse. There are various health effects associated with abusing drugs. According to research, most doctors agree that marijuana is less addictive than tobacco and alcohol. Therefore, the government should consider legalizing marijuana by get rid of the authorized ban connected with cannabis (Caulkins, Hawken, Kilmer and Kleiman 56). Efforts geared towards legalizing marijuana should not only center on adults but also pay attention on its outcome to the youth. The legalization of marijuana will absolutely result to advertisements which could reassure teenagers to use the drug. Therefore, when considering authorization of marijuana, regulatory measures should be established to prevent promotion of the drug to adolescents. Decriminalization of marijuana in Canada might encourage the youth into abusing the drug since the consequences associated with its possession will be decreased (Joffe and Yancy 636). Canada’s legal framework is in line with the society’s values. Statistics confirm that a greater portion of youth use marijuana as compared to adults in Canada. Furthermore, approximately 600,000 Canadian citizens use marijuana (24% of this number are youths aged 12-17 years). Approximately 30,000 arrests are made yearly translating to $500 million in expenditure used by the government in enforcing drug laws. Leaders such as Stephen Harper who is the Canadian Prime Minister has been involved continuously in pushing reforms to intensify marijuana’s prescription since its criminalization is expensive (Raaflaub 334). The Canadian economy can be significantly

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