Saturday, May 9, 2020

Charles Darwin s Theory Of Natural Selection - 1408 Words

Over time, different species learn to adapt to their living environment in order to survive. If a genetic change of a characteristic is passed down through generations, a formation of a new species occurs (G, Linstead et. al., 2012). A variation to the characteristic of an individual can increase its survival and this provides more opportunities to reproduce. When the individual reproduces, the offspring benefit in result of the heritable genes and eventually through generations, the variants will be spread throughout the entire population (Montgomery, 2009). Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection can be supported through both fossils and homologous structures. A technique that supports Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection is fossils. A fossil is the remnant or imprint of a previous animal embedded in rock and preserved in petrified form (J, Castro, 2013). Fossils are used and are still important today as they demonstrate the different types of species of animals and plants that were on the earth at various times in the past. This assists palaeontologists, who study the fossils hominid, learn about the creatures that once lived on the earth. This includes the human ancestors and their relatives, and how they have developed over time (G, Linstead et. al., 2012). There are various ways in which fossils support Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Fossils provide a way for palaeontologists to reconstruct the creatures, plants and humans of the past. ItShow MoreRelatedCharles Darwin And Darwin s Theory Of Natural Selection1489 Words   |  6 Pagesbaffled to discover that this species has been completely altered. This outcome is a direct result of a ubiquitous phenomenon theorized by none other than Charles Darwin, a prestigious naturalist and biologist. 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Charles Robert Darwin was an English geologist and naturalist, best known for his significant addition to the science of evolution. He had a theory that all species have inherited traits over time from common ancestors, and in a partnership with Alfred Russel Wallace int roduced his scientific theory that this pattern of evolution resulted from an action that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the natural selection involved in selective

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