Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Vietnam War Was The Biggest Failure Of The 20th Century

The Vietnam War The Vietnam War is one of the most controversial wars the United States participated in. Communism in the 20th century, was a huge threat to the U.S. It become a priority of the U.S. to stop the spread of Communism. In the late 1940s, the French struggled to control its colonies in Indochina - Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos ( The U.S. saw that the French were struggling in south Vietnam so they decided to come and help France. They tried to support France and the South Thus leading the U.S. into what most consider a pointless war. The Vietnam war was the biggest failure of the 20th century because the United States failed to win, the war created a divide between soldiers and civilians which led to riots, and the war also caused great distrust of the government. Vietnam is located in East Asia and was slowly becoming influenced by Communism, the North was already in the hands of Communism, but the South was rebelling against it. The French had claim over parts of Vie tnam. The North under leader Ho Chi Minh rebelled and declared themselves a separate nation. The United States first became involved to help their ally France. It later became a goal of the United States to stop communism from spreading especially against influences from Russia and China ( Before the U.S intervened into Vietnam the North was already declared a communist nation under Ho Chi Minh who was a Vietnam Communist revolutionary leader. He was alsoShow MoreRelatedAn Accurate Assessment of the 50s and 60s in America674 Words   |  3 Pagesof Liberty conveys, McCarthyism hushed the freedom of speech. (Kennedy, Cohen, and Bailey A127)The man who gave McCarthyism a name, Joseph McCarthy, ruined many lives by accusing tons of Americas of being Communists for about 5 years. The post-cold war paranoia about spies and infiltrates in the American government escalated the allegations to a whole other level, despite the lack of evidence. 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