Saturday, December 7, 2019

Al Azhar University free essay sample

Al-Azhar University Brief Description Al-Azhar University also known as Jamiat Al Azhar al Saif, meaning the noble Azhar, is a center of learning in Cairo, Egypt. It was established as an Islamic Institute or a madrasa in 972 and specialized in offering courses pertaining to the field of Arabic Literature and Sunni theology and sharia. It is regarded as the second oldest University both around the world and in Egypt. It was initially established as the Al Azhar mosque. However, it slowly developed into an Islamic educational institute over the years.Al Azhar’s main aim involves spreading Islamic faith and culture around the world. To this day, Islamic scholars at the institute issue fatwas based on arguments and situations put forward to them from around the Sunni world. These fatwas cover a wide range of topics such as Islamic law, appropriate behavior for individual Muslims, etc. In 1961, following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 and the establishment of Gamal Abdel Nasser’s government, Al Azhar started offering programs apart from Islamic subjects such as science, engineering, pharmacy medicine, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Al Azhar University or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page That same year, a women’s department was also established as part of the university. Today, al-Azhar has positioned itself as a profoundly significant institution in Egypt and around the world. History Initially established as a mosque by the Fatimid dynasty, it slowly evolved into a university over the years. Its construction was authorized by the fourth leader of the Fatimid Dynasty, Al-Mu’izz li-Din Allah, in Cairo which at that time was the newly founded capital city of Egypt. It was the first mosque to be constructed in Cairo, and took approximately two years to build.It was completed in the year 972, after which it opened for prayers during the month of Ramadan. Since the Fatimid dynasty was descendant from Fatima, daughter of the Prophet P. B. U. H. , it is widely thought that the university was named after her. Fatima was also known as Az Zahra (the brilliant or the shining one), thus, giving the university its name. Another theory regarding how the institution got its name is that the mosque was surrounded by large mansions and palaces during the year it was established. Al Azhar was originally established as a base for spreading the Ismaili sect of Shiite Islam.The Fatimid Dynasty used it as a means to publicize the teachings of the Ismaili school of law. This sect of Islam was taught at both the caliph’s palace and at al Azhar. It became a leading institution for Islamic learning in the world and was used as a center for issuing all religious judgments. In 973, the mosque was designated as the official place of congregational gathering for the Eid ul Fitr prayers in Cairo. In 988, Al Muiz appointed Yaqub ibn Killis, a person with extensive knowledge of Islamic law as one of the prominent instructors at Al Azhar.Yaqub bin Killis is mainly credited with advancing Al Azhar as a center for Islamic learning. The next year, the authorities at Al Azhar appointed several other instructors and religious scholars to teach at the mosque, thus, forming a base for the institution to become the most prominent Islamic university in the world. From 975 to 996, during the reign of Al Muiz’s son al Aziz, the mosque expanded even further. These expansions were carried out till the remaining of the Fatimid dynasty. The Fatimid dynasty is also credited with establishing Al Azhar’s library by providing it with numerous Ismaili manuscripts.A Mamluk leader However, following the overthrow of the Fatimid dynasty by the Ayyubid Empire led by Saladin in 1171, the mosque saw a period of negligence. The Ayyubid dynasty was a firm Sunni empire and disapproved of the Shiite teachings taught at the university. The manuscripts provided by the Fatimid dynasty were destroyed, and funding for the students and professors was stopped. However, the policies of this dynasty are regarded as a key factor for converting Al Azhar to a Sunni center of learning.Following the disestablishment of the Ayyubid Empire, the mosque saw large advancements and expansions during the Mamluk Sultanate as a key Sunni educational institution. The Mamluk and Ottoman leaders sought political rulings from the institute, whereas the general public sought security and solutions during the time of economic and political turmoil. Area of specialization Classes commenced at Al Azhar during the month of Ramadan in 975. According to some sources, the university is said to have added faculties in Islamic law and jurisprudence (sharia), Islamic astronomy, Islamic philosophy, logic and Arabic grammar durng the same year.However, the academy mainly offered subjects regarding Arabic Literature and Islamic jurisprudence (sharia). The main purpose of Al Azhar was to advance everyone’s knowledge of the Islamic faith and help them become stronger Muslims. In its syllabus and academic activities, Al Azhar sought to reinforce the sacred ties and bring about a religious sense of pride among the Muslim nation. Today Al Azhar’s syllabus mainly consists of religious studies which include Quranic sciences and the Sunnah of the Prophet (p. b. u. h). Furthermore, it offers other subjects such as science, medicine, etc.In 1961, faculties of medicine and engineering, among other faculties, were added to the university. These departments are unique in the sense that they teach all non- religious subjects from an Islamic perspective. Al Azhar’s student population includes students not just from Egypt but also from all over the world. The University of Al-Azhar seeks to endow the Muslim world with religious scholars and experts, by providing them with extensive knowledge about Islamic laws, culture and morals so that they can serve their people better, and help develop their nations on the foundation of faith and science.Important Islamic Events During this Time The university was established sometime in the midst of the golden age of Islam. A few centuries before the university was set up, the Abbasid dynasty had conquered the Umayyad dynasty and rose to power in the year 750 AD. The Abbasid dynasty also managed to conquer some parts of Europe, hence, spreading Islam to those areas. The Islamic civilization is said to have prospered most during this reign and was, thus, called the golden age of Islam (750 AD – 1258 AD). This period saw several developments in Arabic literature, commerce and industry, arts and sciences, and medicine among other areas.Furthermore, there were a lot of scientific and technological achievements witnessed during this period. During the Abassid rule, a lot of the Umayyad rulers fled to Muslim Spain. The following centuries witnessed some of the Umayyad rulers rise back to power in Spain. Towards the end of the 10th century, the Umayyad dynasty eventually took control of the Iberian Peninsula (then known as Al Andalus), by running the region from Cordoba, Spain. During the period 912-961 AD, Abd al Rahman III became the emir of Cordoba, succeeding his grandfather after his death.This era witnessed the development of Cordoba across several fields such as economic, agricultural, etc. However, the Umayyad dynasty fell apart again in 1031 resulting in the division of Al Andalus into smaller independent states. Around the same time, the Shiite Fatimid Empire was founded in 909 by Ubaid Allah al-Mahdi Billah. This dynasty claimed to be descendent from the Prophet (p. b. u. h)’s daughter Fatima Az Zahra. Their reign soon expanded to several parts of North Africa and, in addition, included countries like Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, the Red Sea, Africa, Yemen Hejaz, and Sicily.

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